Mental Health Professionals Listing
Looking for a mental health provider?
SENG is currently updating our list of mental health professionals from around the world. We hope to have our updated list posted here in late spring of 2025. The list will be composed of mental health professionals who have met our criteria for placement in this resource list. That criteria will be listed below this spring. Please know that SENG does not officially endorse any individual or group, we are merely providing a list of professionals who met the criteria to be added to this resource list.
Are you a mental health provider?
If you are a licensed mental health provider who would like to be added to this resource list, more information will be posting on this page in early 2025.
Gifted training for mental health providers & practitioners
SENG is a provider of APA courses. In addition, view our on-demand videos to start or continue deepening your knowledge to serve our gifted communitiy.