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SCG Facilitator Trainings are six hour sessions led by approved SENG Certified Facilitators in order to certify interested individuals to facilitate SENG Community Groups Online or in Person. You must have an active SENG Membership and have previously participated in at least one SENG Community Group (or former SMPG) in order to become a SCG Facilitator. Please see upcoming SENG Community Groups if you still need to meet that qualification.

SCG Facilitator Refresher courses are two-hour sessions required for any facilitators trained under the former SMPG model and thereafter every two years for current SCG Facilitators. These sessions are designed to keep SENG Facilitators informed about current trends and resources, assist with marketing, and ensure the integrity of the SCG model. Refresher courses will be free for attendees of the Annual Community Conference and will carry a nominal fee for virtual attendance as they are scheduled.

  • SCG Facilitator Community of Practice Summer Gathering
    SCG Facilitator Community of Practice Summer Gathering
    Wed, Aug 21
    Via Zoom
    Aug 21, 2024, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PDT
    Via Zoom
    Aug 21, 2024, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PDT
    Via Zoom
    Quarterly gathering for SENG Community Group certified Facilitators.
  • SENG Community Group (SCG) Facilitator Training
    SENG Community Group (SCG) Facilitator Training
    Fri, Sep 20
    Baylor University
    Sep 20, 2024, 10:00 AM – 5:30 PM CDT
    Baylor University , 811 Washington Ave, Waco, TX 76701, USA
    Sep 20, 2024, 10:00 AM – 5:30 PM CDT
    Baylor University , 811 Washington Ave, Waco, TX 76701, USA
    This one-day, six hour training will be fully certify you to co-facilitate a SENG Community Group, either in-person or online. Held as a Pre-Conference option for the Baylor Twice-Exceptional Conference on September 21st. Held in-person or Virtually.
  • SCG Facilitator Community of Practice Fall Gathering
    SCG Facilitator Community of Practice Fall Gathering
    Sat, Nov 16
    Via Zoom
    Nov 16, 2024, 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM PST
    Via Zoom
    Nov 16, 2024, 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM PST
    Via Zoom
    Quarterly gathering for SENG Community Group certified Facilitators.
  • SCG Facilitator Community of Practice Winter Gathering
    SCG Facilitator Community of Practice Winter Gathering
    Wed, Feb 19
    Via Zoom
    Feb 19, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PST
    Via Zoom
    Feb 19, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PST
    Via Zoom
    Quarterly gathering for SENG Community Group certified Facilitators.


Becoming a SENG Community Group Facilitator is a transformative opportunity to make a meaningful impact in the lives of gifted individuals. Many of our facilitators choose to become certified because they have gained so much from the groups they attended and want to offer the same support to others in their community. This certification is not only a personal investment but also a chance to recoup your fees by hosting your own groups.


As a certified facilitator, you will join a unique community within SENG, where you are invited to free quarterly Community of Practice gatherings. These sessions provide a platform to connect with other facilitators and potential co-facilitators, discuss successful and not-so-successful strategies, brainstorm solutions for ongoing challenges, give feedback to SENG, find mentors, and practice facilitation techniques. Embrace this opportunity to grow, connect, and contribute to the well-being of gifted individuals.

​How to become a certified SENG Community Group Facilitator

Requirements to train to become a Facilitator are as follows:  


Maintain an active SENG membership

Previous participation in at least one SENG Community Group (formerly SMPG)
(see our online offerings above if you are looking for a group to join)

Participate in 2-year refresher course, either in-person or online


How long will my facilitator training last? Your status as a facilitator will last for two years starting from the year you were originally certified. At that time, you will be asked to participate in a refresher course. Anyone trained prior to 2021 is now due for a SCG Refresh. (Please see training dates above.) We look forward to reconnecting! 


Can I take a refresh course before my two years are done? Yes! You can take a refresher course at any time. Your two years will start from the date of your latest refresher course. 


When will Refresh Courses be offered? We will always offer refresh courses for free for individuals attending in-person at our annual conference. In addition, we will have online refresher course opportunities throughout the year. 


What if my membership has lapsed? Please renew your membership here


What if I want to run a group but have not participated in a group yet? You can check for a local group to join, or join one of the online groups listed on our site. 


What is the cost of training? Please see the specifics listed under the training opportunity you wish to join. 

Who should I contact with questions about SCG facilitator status? Write to

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