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100 Words of Wisdom: Dina Brulles

By Dina Brulles

“As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.”– Paul Shane Spear

The impact you have on a child’s life is a tremendous responsibility and opportunity. Knowing how your gifted student thinks, learns, and feels gives you the power to influence his life every day and how he sees the world and his future. When a child feels accepted and appreciated, he is more likely to seek new challenges and embrace life’s opportunities. Be the person who changes a child’s world. 

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Dina Brulles, PhD, is the Director of Gifted Education Services in the Paradise Valley Unified School District in Arizona where she has developed a continuum of gifted education programs. She is also Coordinator of Gifted Programs at Arizona State University. Dina serves on SENG’s Editorial Board and on its Diversity Committee. She also serves on the NAGC’s Equity and Diversity Committee. Dr. Brulles’ publications include The Cluster Grouping Handbook: How To Challenge Gifted Students and Improve Achievement For All, Teaching Gifted Kids in Today’s Classrooms, and Helping All Gifted Children Learn: A Teacher’s Guide to Using the NNAT.

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