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Perfectionism and Risk Taking

Shari Hill

By Shari Hill.

As the SENG Board plans for the year ahead, I am struck by some issues gifted adults share with gifted children.

We want to do everything! Though each SENG Director has his or her own personal passion in the field of giftedness, together we share the vision of a more understanding and supportive world. We continue to work together to make that happen.

We want it done by tomorrow! We see so many areas of need, and want to fix them all. More training for Parent Group Facilitators, more outreach to diverse populations and cultures, more workshops for mental health providers, educators, pediatricians and family care physicians … the list is endless.

We want to be sure it is perfect! This is another area where, perhaps, there is some benefit to age. We know that nothing can be perfect. Maybe close, but no cigar. To seek absolute perfection is crippling, to our present life and to our dreams.

But, as we remind our children, it is critical to have and maintain a solid foundation. As SENG caretakers, the Board is ever diligent in maintaining its integrity and mission, and preserving its future.

So, onward! SENG continues to thrive on your support, kind words, and suggestions. We look forward to a wonderful year. Hugs to all … Shari

P.S. SENG has recently completed a major “next step” in our long term plan. Over the past four months, we reviewed many resumes sent by those seeking the position of SENG Executive Director. The talent, education, and experience of these candidates was overwhelming. The interview and decision process was arduous and complex, but the final decision was unanimous. Next month you will meet Amy Price, our new Executive Director. We are very excited!


Shari Hill, M.S., M.A., is the mother of two gifted children, ages 21 and 17. She is serving her third year as a parent representative for the California Association of the Gifted (CAG). As a SENG-Model Parent Group Facilitator as well as a Facilitator Trainer, she continues to offer support to gifted families. A former nurse, teacher, and pilot, she is currently a full time volunteer and new SENG board president.


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