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Felice Kaufmann

100 Words of Wisdom: Felice Kaufmann

By Felice Kaufmann.

“The best piece of wisdom I have learned from studying gifted adults for 30 years is that achievement for achievement’s sake does not necessarily provide a lasting and meaningful structure for living one’s life. While achievement is important, in the long run success means being able to identify and understand one’s real needs and finding ways to meet those needs in a constructive and personally meaningful way -whether it’s finding a cure for cancer or influencing and being deeply loved by family and friends. E.M. Forster said it best and most succinctly: Only connect.”


Dr. Felice Kaufmann was a teacher and counselor of gifted children, grades K-12, a professor at Auburn University and the Universities of New Orleans and Kentucky and served on the Boards of the National Association for Gifted Children and The Association for the Gifted. Her articles have appeared in such journals as Journal for Education of the Gifted, Roeper Review, Journal of Career Education, Journal of Counseling and Development, Exceptional Children, and Gifted Child Today.


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